domingo, 9 de enero de 2011

FERIA (DE ANTICUARIOS) DE SAN TELMO y PLAZA DORREGO (sólo los domingos) / San Telmo Antique's Fair at Dorrego Square - (only on Sundays)

Temprano a la mañana, cada domingo desde 1970, una curiosa ceremonia se repite en el escenario de la Plaza Dorrego: baúles, cajas, hierros, tablas, canastos, se superponen en un repiqueteo que asombra a los noctámbulos que alargan la noche con un café de última hora, y a los madrugadores que comienzan el día. A esa hora, la Feria de Cosas Viejas y Antigüedades de San Pedro Telmo comienza a tomar forma, se construye sobre el adoquinado de la plaza y repite un ritual que se ha convertido en el corazón de un barrio que los domingos late de una manera especial.
Early in the morning, every Sunday since 1970, a curious ceremony is repeated on the stage at the Plaza Dorrego, trunks, boxes, irons, boards, baskets, overlap in a patter that amazes lengthening the night owls and and early birds alike. At that time, the Fair Old Stuff Antiques of San Pedro Telmo begins to take shape, is on the cobblestones of the square and repeats a ritual that has become the heart of a neighborhood that on Sundays beats in a special way .
The fair is usually set up by 9:00 a.m. and lasts till 5:00 p.m.
You can wrap up your visit by having lunch in the fabulous grill house ("parrilla") LA BRIGADA, undoubtedly, among the very best in town, where you will be able to taste the best - ever rumpsteak.

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